“yogas chitta vritti nirodha”

“yoga is the stilling or controlling of the modifications or fluctuations of the mind”

Yoga Sutra 2.1


  • Gentle Flow Yoga

    A class for conscious and mindful movement. Gentle enough for any level practice, prepare to soothe the soul. With an emphasis on slow movements we delve into the mind body connection, most movements staying low to the earth for a more grounding practice. The invitation here is to release and refresh, whatever your body is craving this practice may hold the answer.

  • Beginners Yoga

    The perfect way to start or revisit your yoga journey. This practice is designed to breakdown some of the fundamental building blocks of our movement practice. Focusing on key alignment, safe sensations and exploring key postures. This practice will begin the link between movement, mind and breath. Delve into breath-work practices and see how they benefit life, on and off the mat.

  • Yoga for ALL

    As the name suggests, this is a fun exploration of the practice which is suitable for all levels. Expect an abundance of variations within this class, designed to challenge your capacity on the day. This practice will invite softness, strength, joy and rest to body mind and soul. Where will your practice guide you today?

  • Gentle Vinyasa Flow

    Creativity is at the heart of this practice. You can rest safely in the knowledge you will be held and guided through new transitions, have opportunities to stretch and try out new postures and take a journey through deeper breath-work practices. During this practice we celebrate props and how they can assist or strengthen our bodies in many different ways. This practice does offer variations, however a base knowledge of poses and fitness level is recommended.

  • Rhythm Flow

    During this practice we will deep dive into the rhythm of our breath, our body and our mind. Working with a ladder flow sequence, we build upon postures with each round. Flowing in this way will truly help us carve out our own rhythm in movement. Expect a toe-tapping soundtrack to accompany the waves of our practice, guiding us and holding us in the present. Options and variations available to suit most levels of movement practice.

  • Breathe & Restore

    Prepare to rest and recover. During this time together we will explore various beneficial breath-work practices, spending time to truly connect to our life force energy, followed by a deep dive into the world of Restorative Yoga. Restorative Yoga, sometimes confused with Yin Yoga is a magical practice all of its own, this is the practice of rest, no movement, no stretching just completely supported rest. You will find many props within a Restorative class, helping us feel truly held throughout. This class is designed to build better mind body awareness through our breath and through rest. I honestly can’t wait to share this practice with you all.